
Our treatments

Following LASIK experiences more than 25 years and international standard ISO 9001 accepted by ophthalmologists and patients worldwide, our highly skilled refractive surgery specialists and staff aim to achieve the best result for you, our patient.



Quickest Recovery with Enhanced Precision

The advance bladeless technique of creating blended vision. With Nano NV LASIK, the doctor fully treats one eye (usually the dominant eye) for far distance, and the other eye for near distance. This leaves one slightly nearsighted eye for good near vision without glasses. Blended vision can help you maintain reading vision in one eye to avoid total dependence on reading glasses. With NV LASIK, you must often give up some distance sharpness. A weak pair of glasses may be helpful at times for driving. Near glasses may be needed at times for extended or difficult reading. Comparatively with NV LASIK, Nano NV LASIK will gives patient a higher precision from intra operation OCT scan. Additionally, patients who undergoes the Nano NV LASIK can expected to have a  less recovery time from the usage of Nanojoules powered femtosecondlaser which preserve more corneal tissue, smoother icision, and less inflammation from the surgery.

What’s New in Nano NV LASIK ?

  1. Uses Nanojoules laser (lowest power)
  2. Equipped with A.I. Technology
  3. Equipped with Real-Time OCT Scan
  4. Equipped with Tissue Saving Program
  5. Aspheric Optimization
  6. Advanced Wavefront Optimization
  7. Eye tracking sensors
What’s New in Nano NV LASIK ?

Benefits of Nano NV LASIK Unique Features

  1. The lower power concepts makes the recovery faster while reducing other symptoms such as swelling or irritation of the eye
  2. Automatically adjust the centering of the laser patterns to best fitted with optical zones
  3. Allowing doctor to see the corneal layer in real time to increase safety during the operation.
  4. Increase the chances for patient with high refractive error to get a full corrections
  5. Making the shape of your corneal as natural
  6. Making the visual acuity outcome even sharper
  7. Increases the precision to follow your eyes torsion with highest speed at 200 hz making your vision correction perfect.
Benefits of Nano NV LASIK Unique Features


Laser Vision International LASIK Center

10/989 Soi Prasertmanukij 33 Nuanchan Buengkum District Bangkok 10230

Contact Us : +66 84 979 3594